Maths Week Scotland is a dedicated week of events and activity, with special events throughout the year. Events take place all across Scotland for families, adults and schools hosted by science centres, museums, organisations, schools and more! This year, Maths Week Scotland will take place 26 September – 2 October 2022. (featured image copyright Abermedia)
Maths Week Scotland 2022 will have the theme ‘The Beauty of Maths’’ with a focus on creativity and beauty in maths, as well as the maths in such as art and music.
Maths is all around us in our everyday lives and that is reflected in the broad programme of activity. Maths Week Scotland shines a light on maths in unexpected places and gives people the opportunity to engage with it in new fun ways.
Across Maths Week Scotland, we want people of all ages and backgrounds to:
Be curious, enthusiastic, confident and engaged in numeracy and mathematics
Understand the relevance of maths learning and skills to their lives, now and in the future
Have access to a diverse range of events and activities promoting and demonstrating the joy and value of maths
We had seven museums take part in Maths Week Scotland from the Highlands to the Borders. You can see what museums got up to for Maths Week Scotland 2021 here. If you are interested in taking part in Maths Week Scotland please contact mathsweekscot@nms.ac.uk to find out what support is available. We can offer support from maths education and museum specialists to help you get started or work through your ideas.

Large Grant Funding
The Large Grant Fund is offering grants of between £2,000 – £7,000 to support organisations, partnerships and charities to develop exciting new strands of Maths Week Scotland 2022.
If your project is smaller than this amount there will also be a Small Grants Fund for applications of up to £2,000. For more information on the Small Grants Fund find out more here.
The final deadline for submission is 17:00 on Monday 16 May 2022.
Applications received will be reviewed and advised of outcome by Monday 30 May 2022.
The guidance document and application form is at https://www.mathsweek.scot/resources/funding. More information on Maths Week Scotland can be found at www.mathsweek.scot
Promoting Events and Resources
Once you have your plans in place you can add your events directly to the Maths Week Scotland website https://www.mathsweek.scot/events or email mathsweekscot@nms.ac.uk with relevant resources.