Member Resources

Object based learning – educator’s guide

Object based learning – educator’s guide

From time to time, most teachers and educators find themselves looking around for interesting ways to engage students and help...
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Climate Action Toolkit

Climate Action Toolkit

This toolkit represents a comprehensive response to the pressing challenge of climate change, which not only poses a threat to...
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e-Hive Training Resources

e-Hive Training Resources

Many Highland museums have turned to the Collection Management System eHive in recent years due to its simple and clear...
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Podcasting 101!

Podcasting 101!

So you want to make a podcast? XpoNorth did a series of instructional blogs that go through the key skills...
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Good Governance

Good Governance

Governance is the term used to describe the trustees’ role in: The long term direction of the charity, including its...
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Volunteering Scotland has an amazing list of resources to help you manage and support volunteers. It includes templates and guides...
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Collections + Interpretation

Museums and Galleries Scotland has a fairly comprehensive guide to collections care and best practice in interpretation. If you are...
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Inspiring fundraising aims to help everyone in the heritage sector in Scotland raise funds for their organisation, cause or project,...
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Our Collective Future Business Strategy

In 2017 the Highland Museums Forum undertook a project looking to improve the sustainability and resilience of museums across the...
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Learning in Highland Museums

A booklet highlighting what Highland Museums have to offer local schools. From guided tours and object handling sessions to dressing...
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Highland Museums Case for Support

A document providing evidence on the essential roles museums play in preserving and documenting our heritage, in helping communities to...
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