Fair Work Statement

We are committed to working towards and supporting museums and heritage organisations throughout the Highlands to deliver better recruitment and employment practices through resources, training, advice, and the Scottish Government guidance on Fair Work First. 

We will lead by example in the following areas and encourage and support the sector to: 

  • Invest in workforce development through programming, vocational learning, and professional development
    Not use inappropriate zero-hours contracts  
    Create a more diverse and inclusive workplace by signposting to the relevant training and resources to help them deliver this aim and where there are gaps, delivering training with the relevant partners
    Support payment of the Real Living Wage as a minimum 


We create and signpost to recruitment and employment resources to promote best practice, and welcome museums and heritage organisations talking to us about their Fair Work practices.
Contact Nicola Henderson, Innovation and Network Manager at nicola.henderson@museumsandheritagehighland.org.uk