Highland Museums Collections: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
A day organised for volunteers and staff from Highland museums and archives (accredited / non-accredited, large and small) to exchange information about museums and collections, explore issues of on-line catalogues, volunteer training, and other issues. Lunch is provided, and travel expenses reimbursed (please carpool if possible). Initially, please only up to four people per museum/archive. If spaces allow we will offer them to others. Free! The day has been funded by ScARF and High Life Highland, with support from ARCH and Museums and Heritage Highland.
Date: Thursday 12th March,
Venue: Alness Heritage Centre (102 High St, Alness IV17 0SG)
Times: 10-4
Bookings to Susan Kruse at archhighland@googlemail.com. Please provide full contact details and specify any dietary issues.
Please find full information on the event via this link