Heritage Cafe

Zoom , United States

'Ask the funders' Q+A. We will have Joe Traynor from MGS and Ewan Bachell from NLHF in attendance so this is your chance to let them know what you need going forward, ask for detail on current support and ask


Heritage Cafe

Zoom , United States

Let's Engage. We will be joined by Dougal and Katie from Inner Ear (experts on digital engagement), Tim from Twin Tangibles (crowdsourcing expert) and Georgina Brooke, Digital Media Content Manager from National Museums of Scotland to discuss growing your reach


Heritage Cafe

Zoom , United States

Opening in the New World - we will be joined by Joe Traynor, MGS and others to discuss the challenges of reopening and what support is out there.


E-Hive Workshop

eHive is a user-friendly digital collections management system used by an increasing number of Highland museums.  Drawing on our experience implementing eHive at Ullapool Museum, Jo Clement and Helen Avenell will lead this hands-on virtual workshop to guide you through


Heritage Cafe

Our bi-weekly heritage cafe continues with special guest Annie Mottisfont from NLHF. Email Nicola for the link!


Jacobite Day

Armadale Castle, Gardens and Museum Armadale, Sleat, Isle of Skye, United Kingdom

Watch costumed re-enactors and join in Jacobite themed activities.


Heritage Cafe with Cornwall Museums

Zoom , United States

We are delighted to welcome Cornwall Museum's Partnership and their members to our next Heritage Cafe. Throughout lockdown they have been hosting coffee mornings while we have been coming together at our cafe's. They are a region with a very


Heritage Cafe – MHH AGM

Zoom , United States

We will be starting the meeting with our AGM - covering the usual business and then a conversation about our first year and plans for the future (that we want you to shape!). All are welcome, but only members can


Heritage Cafe

Zoom , United States

10-10.40am, Neil Ogilvy from MGS will join us to discuss their project 'Forum Connections'. Forum Connections is a 4-year MGS project, funded by the NLHF, designed to build the capacity of Scotland’s museums for partnership working through investment in Scotland’s geographic


Heritage Cafe

Zoom , United States

This week's cafe will be an informal chat about learning programmes - the challenges and opportunities faced by going digital and a look ahead to how we deliver learning next year. Email nicola.henderson@museumsandheritagehighland.org.uk for the link!
